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Publications & Working Papers
Works in progress
"The Emotion of Disgust and the Case of LGBTQ Politics"
"Elephant in the Room: The Effects of Acknowledging Stigma & Emotion in Persuasive Appeals"
With Melissa Michelson and Brian Harrison
"LGBT Office Holders at the State and Local Level." Invited core contribution for LGBT Americans in the U.S. Political System: An Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People as Activists, Voters, Candidates, and Officeholders. ABC-CLIO.
"Friends and Allies? Re-examining the Influence of the Contact Hypothesis on Support for LGBT Policies"
"Innumeracy about the LGB Population and Support for Gay Rights"
With Christopher Skovron
"The Impact of Women in State Legislatures on Gay-Friendly Partnership Laws"
Casey, Logan S., Jesse Chandler, Adam Seth Levine, Andrew Proctor, and Dara Z. Strolovitch. 2017. "Intertemporal Differences in MTurk Worker Demographics."
Sage Open 7(2). DOI: 10.1177/2158244017712774. (PDF)
Materials and project registration at OSF:
Coverage: Experimental Turk
Blendon, Robert J., Logan S. Casey, and John M. Benson. 2017. "The Impact of President Trump's Election on U.S. International Trade Policy." Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs.
Blendon, Robert J., John M. Benson, and Logan S. Casey. 2016. "Health Care in the 2016 Election: A View Through Voters' Polarized Lenses." New England Journal of Medicine. Oct 27, 2016. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsr1606159. (PDF)
Casey, Logan S. and Andrew Reynolds. 2015. "Standing Out: Transgender and Gender Variant Candidates and Elected Officials Around the World." Policy Report. LGBTQ Representation and Rights Research Initiative. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (PDF)
News coverage catalogued here.
Casey, Logan S. 2015. "Emotions and the Politics of Ebola." ​PS: Political Science and Politics 48(1): 7-8. (PDF. Entire Ebola spotlight available here.)
Lupia, Arthur, Logan S. Casey, Kristyn L. Karl, Spencer Piston, Timothy J. Ryan, and Christopher Skovron. 2014. “What Does it Take to Reduce Racial Prejudice in Individual-Level Candidate Evaluations? A Formal Theoretic Perspective.”
Political Science Research & Methods 3(1): 1-20. (PDF)
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