LGBTQ Politics Data
The field of LGBTQ politics is vibrant and growing.
Here are just a few of the archives, resources, and data sources in this area.
Please also visit for a collection of data sources that include sexual orientation.
(this page last updated early 2020)
Archives & Timelines
GLBT Historical Society - San Francisco, CA
Jean-Nickolas Tretter Collection - University of Minnesota
Online Archive of California - search LGBT or terms of interest
- - LGBT-related timelines, oral histories, and more
Pride at Work Archives - University of Maryland
Queer Appalachia Oral History Project - University of Kentucky
Tretter Transgender Oral History Project - University of Minnesota
Quantitative Data
The Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Equality Maps - tracking over 50 LGBTQ-related laws and policies at the state and local level across the 50 states, D.C., and five U.S. territories​
Many, many reports and resources on LGBTQ people, policies, experiences, and much more. For example"
Mapping LGBTQ Equality: 2010 to 2020 (Jan 2020) - data available via ICPSR
Where We Call Home: LGBT People in Rural America (April 2019)
And follow-up reports on LGBT people of color and transgender people in rural areas
Mapping Transgender Equality in the United States (Feb 2017)
The Williams Institute (UCLA)
A wealth of data, including on the demographics of the LGBTQ population in the U.S., policy implications, and much, much more​
Collection of commercial ads featuring LGBTQ representation (good and bad)
American National Election Study (ANES)
Time-Series Data every four years (presidential election years) since 1948
LG feeling thermometer starting 1984
Various LGBT-related policies starting as early as 1988
Respondent sexual orientation starting 2008
2013 Internet Re-contact study, Section O
1994 Report by Douglas Strand on 1993 Pilot Study: "Homosexuality, Gay Rights, and the Clinton Coalition"
Census (U.S.)
Community Marketing & Insights, Inc
LGBTQ owned and operated commercial/market research on the LGBTQ community
LGBTQ panel of 80,000+ available for quantitative and qualitative research
G​allup's LGBT-related polling data
- - ongoing collection of data sources
Logo TV/Harris poll on 2012 Presidential Election
Pew Research Center
University of North Carolina's LGBTQ Representation and Rights Research Initiative
U.S. Transgender Survey (2015)
Largest ever survey of transgender and nonbinary people in the United States. n>28,000.​
Includes breakout reports on different communities of color and by U.S. state.