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You can also find me on Google Scholar, ORCIDPublonsLinkedIn, and Twitter


Movement Advancement Project - remote (I am based in St. Louis, MO)
(2020 - present) Senior Policy Researcher & Advisor
(2018 - 2019) Policy Researcher

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - Boston, MA
(2017 - 2018) Research Associate, Harvard Opinion Research Program (HORP)
(2016 - 2017) Research Analyst in Public Opinion, HORP

Tufts University - Medford, MA
(2016) Lecturer, Experimental College

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
(2008 - 2016) Ph.D. Graduate Student
      (2009 - ​2016) Research Assistant
      (2010 - 2014) Graduate Student Instructor


University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI

2016, Ph.D. in Political Science 

2014, M.A. in Political Science

Truman State University - Kirksville, MO 

​2008, B.S. in Political Science

Training & Dissertation

Subfield: American Politics
Specialties: Political Psychology, Public Opinion, LGBTQ Politics, & Survey Methodology

Dissertation: "The Politics of Disgust: Public Opinion Toward LGBTQ People And Policies"
Committee: Arthur Lupia (Chair), Ted Brader, Nancy Burns, Sara McClelland (Psychology & Women's Studies)

What makes negative attitudes toward LGBTQ people and issues so enduring, especially given dramatic shifts in opinion and policy in recent years? I argue that disgust, given its intimate connection to sex, sexuality, and bodies, continues to influence public opinion toward LGBTQ people by bolstering prejudice, undermining policy support, and impeding persuasion.
Follow my work at MAP using MAP's website or Google Scholar page.
Naomi Goldberg and Logan S. Casey. Forthcoming. "LGBTQ People & Covid-19: Exacerbating Existing Disparities." In The Impact of Covid-19 on Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. American Bar Association.
Casey, Logan S., Brian F. Harrison, and Melissa R. Michelson. Forthcoming. "Disgust, Fear, and Anxiety: Reducing Discomfort to Open Minds to Change on Transgender Rights." In The Politics of LGBTQ Equality: Marriage and Beyond. University Press of Kansas.
Multiple entries in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (2021):
  • Logan S. Casey. "Elected Officials." Vol. 1.
  • Naomi Goldberg and Logan S. Casey. "Social Class." Vol. 2.
  • Naomi Goldberg, Logan S. Casey, and Sandy L. James. "Poverty." Vol. 2.
Special issue (peer-reviewed, open-access) at Health Services Research (Dec 2019):
  • Logan S. Casey, Mary G. Findling, Robert J. Blendon, et al. “Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of LGBTQ Americans.”
  • Mary G. Findling, Logan S. Casey, Stephanie Fryberg, et al. “Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Native Americans.”
  • Caitlin L. McMurtry, Logan S. Casey, Mary G. Findling, et al. “Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Asians in the U.S.”
  • ​Sara N. Bleich, Mary G. Findling, Logan S. Casey, et al. “Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Black Americans.”
  • Mary G. Findling, Sara N. Bleich, Logan S. Casey, et al. “Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Latinos.”
  • John M. Benson, Eran Ben-Porath, and Logan S. Casey. “‘Discrimination in the United States: Survey Methodology”
  • Gillian SteelFisher, Mary G. Findling, Sara N. Bleich, Logan S. Casey, et al. “Gender Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Women.”
  • Robert Blendon and Logan S. Casey. “Discrimination in America: Perspectives for the Future.”
Casey, Logan S. 2019. "LGBT Office Holders at the State and Local Level." In LGBT Americans in the U.S. Political System: An Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People as Activists, Voters, Candidates, and Officeholders. ABC-CLIO.

Casey, Logan S.Jesse ChandlerAdam Seth LevineAndrew Proctor, and Dara Z. Strolovitch. 2017. "Intertemporal Differences Among MTurk Workers: Time-Based Sample Variations and Implications for Online Data Collection." Sage Open 7(2). DOI: 10.1177/2158244017712774.  (PDF)

Blendon, Robert J., Logan S. Casey, and John M. Benson. 2017. "Public Opinion and Trump's Job and Trade Policies." Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. April. DOI: 10.1080/05775132.2017.1308763. (PDF)

Blendon, Robert J., John M. Benson, and Logan S. Casey. 2016. "Health Care in the 2016 Election: A View Through Voters' Polarized Lenses." New England Journal of Medicine 375(17). Oct 27, 2016. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsr1606159. (PDF)

Casey, Logan S. and Andrew Reynolds. 2015. "Standing Out: Transgender and Gender Variant Candidates and Elected Officials Around the World." LGBTQ Representation and Rights Research Initiative. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (PDF and news coverage.)

Casey, Logan S. 2015. "Emotions and the Politics of Ebola." PS: Political Science and Politics 48(1): 7-8. (PDF. Entire Ebola spotlight available here.)

Lupia, Arthur, Logan S. CaseyKristyn L. Karl, Spencer Piston, Timothy J. Ryan, and Christopher Skovron2014. “What Does it Take to Reduce Racial Prejudice in Individual-Level Candidate Evaluations? A Formal Theoretic Perspective.” Political Science Research & Methods 3(1): 1-20. (PDF)
Fellowships,Grants, &
Small Research Grant, 2017
  • With Melissa Michelson and Brian Harrison
  • American Political Science Association
Robert W. Bailey Award for Best Paper in LGBT Politics, 2016
  • American Political Science Association's LGBT Caucus
Best Paper Award, 2016
  • American Political Science Association's LGBT Caucus
  • (Note: this is a separate award from the Bailey Award.)
Vivian Fell Sangunett Summer Fellowship, 2016
  • Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan
Garth Taylor Dissertation Fellowship in Public Opinion, 2015-2016
  • Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan (more info here)
Gerald R. Ford Fellowship and Scholarship, 2015-2016
  • Department of Political Science, University of Michigan
Equality Knowledge Project and Speaker Series, 2015-2016
Gerald R. Ford Fellowship and Scholarship, 2014-2015
  • Department of Political Science, University of Michigan
Rackham Merit Fellowship, 2008-2013
  • Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan
Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies Workshop Grant, 2012-2013
Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop Grant, 2012-2013
John Kingdon Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012
  • Department of Political Science, University of Michigan
A full list of presentations, titles, and related information is available upon request.
2013-2018 - American Political Science Association
2011-2017 - Midwest Political Science Association
2017 - Mathematica Policy Research
2016 - Equality Knowledge Project Speaker Series, Eastern Michigan University
2015 - British Parliament, London, England
2015 - London School of Economics
2015 - International LGBT Leaders Conference, Las Vegas, NV
2013 - Gender & Political Psychology Research Workshop, Northern Illinois University
2013 - Stanford Symposium on Marriage Equality, Stanford University, CA
2011 - Contingent Belongings: Reflections on Race, Space, & the State, Univ. of Minnesota
2009 - University of Michigan Symposium on the 2008 Election
Please go to my teaching page for more information!
​Discipline & Department
  • Editorial Board: Politics, Groups, & Identities, 2017 - 2020
  • Journal Reviewer: The Journal of PoliticsPolitical Science Research & Methods; Politics, Groups, & Identities; Sexualities; Social Problems
  • Award Committee Member: APSA LGBT Caucus, 2017
  • Conference Co-organizer: Misfit Politics: A Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Power & Politics, University of Michigan, 2014
  • Conference Co-organizer: Gender as a Unit of Analysis, University of Michigan, 2012
  • Workshop founder and co-coordinator: Interdisciplinary Workshop in Empirical Queer Studies, University of Michigan, 2011-2012
  • Co-President: Graduate Association of Political Scientists, Univ. of Michigan, 2011-2012
  • Commissioner: Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission, 2013-2016
  • Board of Directors: Jim Toy LGBTQ Community Center (Ann Arbor, MI), 2012-2016

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© 2015-2023

by Logan S. Casey

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