In teaching, I focus on helping students connect politics and political science to their daily lives, and on helping students build concrete skills (particularly writing) for success outside the classroom.

(last updated 9/2016)

LGBTQ Politics in America
Syllabus (PDF)
Above you can download a copy of my statement of teaching philosophy, as well as a summary of my teaching evaluations while at the University of Michigan.
In Fall 2016, I was also an instructor of record at Tufts University.

Course Descriptions
The LGBT movement is experiencing a critical moment like none before, and yet, sexuality has played a central role in American culture and politics from the country’s beginning. This course addresses the role of sexuality in American politics and policies, with particular emphases on LGBT issues in the 20th and 21st centuries. This course also uses LGBT and sexuality politics as an avenue for learning basic concepts and areas in political science.
(Intended as a seminar style, undergraduate course.)

Persuasive Politics
Syllabus (PDF)
These are brief descriptions of courses I would look forward to developing and teaching in the future.
(coming soon)
This course introduces students to the art, science, and logic of running political persuasion campaigns, and then develops the tools necessary for students to design and conduct such a campaign themselves. Part political communication, part campaigns and public opinion, this course integrates multiple academic disciplines and professional worlds with concrete skill development for success beyond the classroom. This class is based on Arthur Lupia's, which I helped design and teach from its initiation in 2010.
(Intended as an undergraduate course.
Adaptable to both large lecture style and small seminar.)